About Me
Reiki Practitioner - Master Level
I’m an energy healer wanting to help you heal too. I’m also a woman who believes that all of our life experiences are meant to teach us a lesson. It’s our duty to find the lesson and learn it, heal from it - help it make us a better version of ourselves. The beautiful part is that we don’t have to do it on our own. We meet amazing people who enter our lives at just the right moment to help us along our path. We are also blessed to be surrounded at all times by the loving, gracious, and forgiving energy of the Universe. There to support us always and guide us forward. This is what I believe Reiki to represent - the connecting of the human in us with the energy that connects us all as ONE. It’s in this ONENESS that we discover our common thread - LOVE. The more we heal our emotional wounds, the more we remember this Universal Truth that we are all connected by the energy of love. The world is not filled with good and bad people - we’re all just various degrees of healed vs. wounded. So, let’s send some love to those parts that need healing most and let Reiki lead the way.
Reiki is a form of energy healing. It can do no harm and has the ability to work intuitively. It has been called Universal Energy and/or Spiritual Energy and is channeled for the purpose of energetic healing/balancing and spiritual support. Benefits of Reiki can include:
Clarity of thought
Deep relaxation and quieting of the mind/body - important elements that can support healing
Increased feeling of wellbeing
Balancing and unblocking of energy points
Deeper spiritual connection to surroundings
What to expect during an appointment:
5-10 minutes discussing intentions (if any). All work will be done with the client’s highest good in mind.
For in-person appointments, client will lay fully clothed on a massage table while the Reiki practitioner places their hands on (or hovering if preferred) the client’s key energy points and/or areas of focus. For remote appointments, the client will be sent healing energy from a distance. Reiki will flow through the practitioner and to the client.
Client may fall asleep from the deeply relaxed state. This is normal. There may also be moments of profound breakthroughs during the appointment or in the days that follow. It is recommended to have a method for taking notes handy.
In the final minutes of the appointment, we’ll discuss the experience and any intuitive messages that may have come through during the session.